Phase Ignition!

"Quod Scripsi, Scripsi."

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Desert Zaku: In-prog 28th Nov

Just got back from the honeymoon (it wus sweeet!) , well, remember the parts in the baggie pics i promised? they're here.

I guess that putting them in bags makes things easier for me as i'm prone to losing something or rather. I also wrote lil' notes on the bags themselves so that i won't forget to do something (eg: fixing that hole i sanded into the zaku head) here's another picture:

The next stage begins soon, thats skewering them up and start painting the German Grey. I bought a couple of brushes to start work with but looks like they're missing! :( well, i'm in my new house now and i guess i hafta get to my mom's house to gather up the rest of my modelling stuff. Hope the brushes are there...