Phase Ignition!

"Quod Scripsi, Scripsi."

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Happy New Year .. Yeah Right..

So what's so damn happy about it?... heheh.. i'm in one of my more grouchier moods.. finished the Rogue Warrior Book.. and suddenly my vocabulary is enriched by at least 20-30 more swear words.. who said you can't learn anything from books??

Anyways, the new year was quiet and relaxing. Parents and the rest of the gang came by for a barbeque dinner. The next day was spent relaxing. Nope, nothing on the Zaku still.. But as i was helping my bro-in-law (Jenny's second brother) to move, i discovered much to my joy that my nephew is now into building Gundams!! He had put together a no grade Strike (cant remember the variant but it was an original Bandai. I think its the one with the flyer pack) and, suprise suprise! A Shen Long 1/144 HG kit. of course there was no sanding etc but he's still 8 (I think), I helped him build another construction car kit and promised him that he can take a look at the Astray Red Frame I had built earlier.

I'm gonna encourage him to build like mad!! this is what we in TransMY (don't know what that is? look at the links sidebar) call "racun" (poisoning)!!

Still on toys that you build, seems like a quite a few friends have moved to collecting Zoids. Ah.. the memories of buying zoids in 1985 comes back to mind.. Good one boys! buy 'em and make 'em. Me? nah.. Collecting Transformers and building Gundams are fine at the moment seeing that i havent bought a single thing in months.

Bah.. enough of this, my time in Starbucks is up and i need to get back to the office now.. have a good 2006 (whatever that means) and for heaven's sake, try not to FUBAR it!