Phase Ignition!

"Quod Scripsi, Scripsi."

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Sin Nien Quai Ler!

Gong Xi Fa Cai! Sin Nien Quai Ler! Yes, the two of them ARE different. Anyways, hope you fellers have had a good couple of days of rest/relaxation/excitement etc. My Chinese New Year has been rather cool. Wifey and me ran around getting things ready for the reunion dinner. Funny thing was, it was a reunion dinner attended by MY family. So imagine 7 Indians (including me) and one Chinese girl sitting around a fully laden table having a full Chinese New Year reunion dinner. Hilarious!

The menu ran like so: Fried Pacific Clams with leek, A huge steamed Siakap, Chicken Steamed with Chinese Herbs, Pork marinated with preserved beancurd and deep fried to perfection, Mix vegetables stir fried with mushrooms, Eggs, stuffed with chicken, chives and chilli, steamed in a pretty mould and cooked in soup, Sarawak Style Fried Kanpua Noodles packed with prawns and last but not least, fried hand made rice cakes. Phew! suffice to say not everything finished that night. Mid-way thru the meal, dad looked at mom and remarked in Tamil "see how your son runs his family". Guess he liked what he saw on the table. We whacked a bottle of White Wine (Finally get to use my wine glasses.. yay!) opened another bottle of Red (Yunnan Wine the label said) but it had gone bad so my plants benefited from that infusion of vino.

The next day we woke up and ran to church. Went thru a nice Mass and got home to relax. And then it rained. and rained and rained and rained. It flooded all the way up to the porch and frankly i was getting a little bit worried. When it stopped tho' I took a walk around the neighborhood to see if we were the only ones flooded. Nope, most of the drains were pretty much overflowing. I thought it was just a small thing until i saw this flapping around in the middle of the road:

FISH! A live 8 inch fish! I think its time to fix up the house to flood proof it. The roof also is like "Dark Water" in one spot and some of the stuffing just fell on the staircase ... kinda scary. And I've been eating non-stop for the past 4 days. I can already feel the waist line expanding.... Hmm...looks like I'll be taking on a new title soon as well.....more on that one of these days. Meanwhile.. have fun and easy with the oranges...drink plenty O' water. Byeeee....