Phase Ignition!

"Quod Scripsi, Scripsi."

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Stalk Me.

Yeah. Relive every word from "Every Breath you Take" (not really cos you can't actually SEE me) ..what am I going on about? Why Twitter of course. What is it? err...another one of those Web 2.0 (Click for definition) websites that allows one person to "stalk"(Not in a scary way of course) their friends, family online.

The site has one large box with a question that never changes, "What are you doing now?" the answer of course will change during the course of the day. Whats the point of all this I hear you ask? Just something to while away the day while you go through the InnerWeb. For some people, thats rather um.. exciting. Sign up at the site and you could add your buddies who are already signed up to Twitter and they can ALL stalk you...

Once you sign up, add me.. :p