Phase Ignition!

"Quod Scripsi, Scripsi."

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Update 04072007

It has been a long time hasn't it? er... i have millions of posts to do (ok.. maybe a least 15) about Robotcon 2007, TransMy's 3rd gathering, the long delayed lamb chop post, Philipino Taxi drivers and yes.. those fellas (see picture in previous posts). But here's the thing, I'm NOT doing the Robotcon 2007 post (not until i can lock myself in a dark room and do a 'proper' report) nor am I doing the TransMY one (I think it'll be bundled with the Robotcon one). The lamb chop one needs to be scrapped until I make the next batch (didn't take a picture of the finished product) and i'm scrapping the rest for good cos I've lost interest. There ya go.

Did I hear you ask about the Transformers Movie review? It was mind blowing. Review done.

So back to normal as I'm finding more time to blog (and tumbleblog... hopefully). I'm starting off with a GTD post next featuring the Hipster Nano PDA... watch for it...