Phase Ignition!

"Quod Scripsi, Scripsi."

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Innovation: Prepaid Credit Cards vs Personalised Credit Cards

Next generation of credit cards

KUALA LUMPUR: Look at it as the new generation of credit cards in Malaysia's endeavour to become a cashless society.

compare and contrast this with :

Are you ready for the most original credit card?
Wouldn't it be nice to show your personality whenever you shop? KBC is the first Belgian bank offering you that possibility to be creative! The process is a very user-friendly one. Just up-load your favourite photo, maybe your family, your pet, a recent vacation, even yourself. Position it and a few days later you can collect your personalized card at your local KBC agency. This is another nice example of mass-customization and personalization of products/services.
Feel free to have a look at


Customised credit cards. Only in Belgium

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