Phase Ignition!

"Quod Scripsi, Scripsi."

Friday, July 21, 2006

Of Podcasts & Podcasting

I'm beginning to think that i'm a really slow adopter of technology. After hearing about Podcasting for ages, i finally gave it a try. Initially introduced for the iPod bla bla bla... it has grown into a tech explosion around the world. I really think its cool to be able to select audio content that YOU want and listen to it on the fly or save it to listen to later. Since iTunes refused to work on my Notebook, I looked around and found Juice. Its free, its open source. Perfect.

Spent a little bit of time figuring out how it worked and then I started looking some podcasts worthy of my time. Boy, talk about standing on the edge of an ocean. Lots and lots of them out there. Noteworthy links out there were,, and many more. You could look in iTunes itself under the "Music Store" section for Podcasts. But since i got lotsa other things to sort out before tonight's TransMY Yumcha: Return of the Ancient Ones [9.30 onwards, Sukumaran's SS14, Subang Jaya], i just chose to get a few, rather Catholic in nature [e-mail me for sites] and will continue to look for more as the days go by...

So get out there and immerse yerself into this if you havent already! Next chance I get, I'll explore Video Podcasting and let you all know about it. Now, i need to go downstairs and get the Memory Stick from the car to load up on some podcasts to hear on the way back home.

Have a good weekend all. Tomorrow I go to watch "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest". And prepare for a horribly tough week ahead. Ta!

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