Phase Ignition!

"Quod Scripsi, Scripsi."

Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Omigosh! I must really catch up on blogging..there's so much I've been wanting to post but just cant seem to find time for. Add to that, I now have another blog! Not really a full fledged one like this but its what you call a tumblelog (click to see definition). Lotsa people have mentioned that tumblelogs are stupid blah blah but I kinda like it. Its like a scrapbook that help me collect stuff that I bump across online.

Take a gander on yer right and in the sidebar, after the blog archives, you'll see a web widget. Thats my tumblelog in a widget form. But I much prefer it if you go to the actual one. Widget? er... its from widgetbox (which I will review next post or so)
So much for that, go do your thing and next few posts will be more "tech" flavoured as I'll be looking at Twitter, Fleck, A few technology blogs and hopefully finish the podcast review that I've been putting off for some time. Don't think I'll get any bloggin done after this as I'll be busy with MC'ing (And singing!) in someone's wedding, Entertaining Trainers and event handling all this week and next.

Friday, February 23, 2007

You will NOT believe this guy!

I'll let you guys decide. Look at the video:

For more blender joy, go to

'Nuff for now, go have a nice weekend

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Sin Nien Quai Ler!

Gong Xi Fa Cai! Sin Nien Quai Ler! Yes, the two of them ARE different. Anyways, hope you fellers have had a good couple of days of rest/relaxation/excitement etc. My Chinese New Year has been rather cool. Wifey and me ran around getting things ready for the reunion dinner. Funny thing was, it was a reunion dinner attended by MY family. So imagine 7 Indians (including me) and one Chinese girl sitting around a fully laden table having a full Chinese New Year reunion dinner. Hilarious!

The menu ran like so: Fried Pacific Clams with leek, A huge steamed Siakap, Chicken Steamed with Chinese Herbs, Pork marinated with preserved beancurd and deep fried to perfection, Mix vegetables stir fried with mushrooms, Eggs, stuffed with chicken, chives and chilli, steamed in a pretty mould and cooked in soup, Sarawak Style Fried Kanpua Noodles packed with prawns and last but not least, fried hand made rice cakes. Phew! suffice to say not everything finished that night. Mid-way thru the meal, dad looked at mom and remarked in Tamil "see how your son runs his family". Guess he liked what he saw on the table. We whacked a bottle of White Wine (Finally get to use my wine glasses.. yay!) opened another bottle of Red (Yunnan Wine the label said) but it had gone bad so my plants benefited from that infusion of vino.

The next day we woke up and ran to church. Went thru a nice Mass and got home to relax. And then it rained. and rained and rained and rained. It flooded all the way up to the porch and frankly i was getting a little bit worried. When it stopped tho' I took a walk around the neighborhood to see if we were the only ones flooded. Nope, most of the drains were pretty much overflowing. I thought it was just a small thing until i saw this flapping around in the middle of the road:

FISH! A live 8 inch fish! I think its time to fix up the house to flood proof it. The roof also is like "Dark Water" in one spot and some of the stuffing just fell on the staircase ... kinda scary. And I've been eating non-stop for the past 4 days. I can already feel the waist line expanding.... Hmm...looks like I'll be taking on a new title soon as well.....more on that one of these days. Meanwhile.. have fun and easy with the oranges...drink plenty O' water. Byeeee....

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Valentine - Milk it dry!

Saw this nearby the office.....

Now they even include mistresses...oh my..we're all going to hell in a handbucket...
Go have your overpriced, overinflated dinner...I'm treating the missus to some claypot loh-shue-fun and crispy pork trotters.. ta!

Tuesday, February 06, 2007


One of these days, I'll write down the comprehensive history of the Malaysian blues/classic rock/pop/Power-Puff-Girls-loving Band Mudslide. Meanwhile, there are 2 videos from the band online for all of youse to watch. Here ya go:

Thats them doing Jimi Hendrix+Stevie Ray Vaughan+The Corrs version of Little Wing

And here they are again, doing the Bishop's version of Chuck Berry's Nadine. The video quality is very very bad but this was a performance done somewhere in March 2004 in the now defunct Titus Blues Avenue. Note that the Bassist (if you can spot him), Mr Tim Brice is now happily working in Bombay. New videos coming soon....

PS. Doesn't that vocalist look awfully familiar? :p

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Desktop Challenge Update

We're back true belivers! with the latest news on the desktop challenge. So far, i have seen 4 entries. Nice! very nice indeed! go on to these links to view 'em

Papa, Idham, Konboi Berotot, Cik Anis

Please comment in their blogs and while you're there please aslo click click on their Adsense links and make them some money as well. For the rest, send me your links... or else.....