Phase Ignition!

"Quod Scripsi, Scripsi."

Thursday, May 08, 2008

The Onion Tag

This post should give you an indication of how readily I would jump to answer a meme or a blog tag. This was sent or rather I was tagged with this blog 'tag' one year and 5 days ago. By Ryu. I have now bravely stepped forward to answer it. Here goes.

The Onion Tag

As tagged by onion is cooked!

Layer One - On The Outside

Name: Saravanan Krishnan (thats what it says on my IC), Baptized, Paul David Arulnathan (I was mad wif my dad), Confirmed, Paul David Krishnan (Made up with my dad alreadi! :p), Other Nicks, Gowron (when I first joined TransMY), Alpha3Convoy (my current TransMY nick), Yushiro (the nick I use EVERYWHERE on the net)

Birth Date: 9th March 1974

Current Status: Married

Eye Color: Dark Brown. Sometimes white or blue black... Oh..and always bloody red looking cos I never have enough sleep

Hair Color: Black, always has been...with a few silver strands these days.. :p

Righty or Lefty: Righty for everything except playing field hockey

Layer Two - On The Inside

My Heritage: Malaysian, Indian, Klingon, Undead, Decepticon

My Fears: Fear itself

My Weaknesses: Food. Glorious Food!

My Perfect Pizza: Same as Ryu, crispy, thin, crusty, double pepperoni pizza (like the ones Greenwich Pizza makes in the Philippines) loaded with migraine inducing amounts of cheese

Layer Three - Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow

My Thoughts first thing when I wake up: darn...I'm tired already

My Bedtime: Sleep? Whats that?

My Most Missed Memory: Cycling to the Melawati Dam with friends and picnicking in Ulu Yam with good friends while eating home made Sloppy Joes

Layer Four - My Picks

Pepsi or Coke: Diet Coke. Diabetes Sucks :(

McDonald's or Burger King: Burger King. Make mine a double swiss cheese mushroom with some mustard in it

Single or Group Dates: Single

Adidas or Nike: Adidas. Of course!

Tea or Nestea: Tea, Earl Grey, piping hot or really hot Pu Erh tea.

Chocolate or Vanilla: Oi! Quit asking very difficult questions! Both!

Cappucino or Coffee: Coffee. Have you been even READING this blog??

Layer Five - Do I..

Smoke: Yep. Too many sticks.

Curse: Well and fluently. I can do it in Tamil, English, Various Chinese Dialects, Malay, Italian, Klingon, Japanese...

Take a Shower: Yeah... I'll die if i don't..

Have a Crush: Nope. unless you're a MacBook Pro

Think I've been in Love: I still am!

Go to School: yeah...some

Want to get Married: too late. already married

Believe in Myself: trying not to these days

Think I'm a Health Freak: not at the moment. Tho I do play tennis every week

Layer Six - In The Past Month..

Drank Alcohol: nope. been dry or a while

Gone to the Mall: too many times to mention

Been on Stage: Nope. I sing for a Blues band, but our drummer has ran away to Australia so we're dead in the water.

Eaten Sushi: oh yeah! I love it! Salmon Belly is my fav!

Dyed your Hair: nope. tho I did when I went to get my wedding photos taken. I liked it.

Layer Seven - Have I Ever..

Played a Stripping Game: nope. not planning to . Ever

Changed Who I Am to Fit In: Never.

Layer Eight - Age..

I am Hoping To Be Married: Already married.

Layer Nine - In a Girl..

Best Eye Color: any color will do

Best Hair Color: Any color. I'm serious.

Short or Long Hair: preferably long.

Layer Ten - What Was I Doing..

1 Min Ago: Attempted to start a serious technology blog post but found this one fun'ner'to write.

1 Hour Ago: Brainstorming with partners about some software features

4.5 Hours Ago: having lunch

1 Month Ago: Sweating.

1 Year Ago: More Sweating

Layer Eleven - Finish The Sentence

I Love:my wifey

I Feel: dry mouthed and hungry

I Hate: the fact that I have only 24 hours in a day to do things.

I Hide: my transforming Bat'leth/Pain Stick

I Need: Time, More Grey Matter, a MacBook Pro, a Million dollars, a real d'k tahg, more books to read.

And I'm going to one. This one dies with this post. Narf.