Phase Ignition!

"Quod Scripsi, Scripsi."

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Staggered Crossing

Its not very often I recommend music in the blog cos I'm busy being an elitist bastard listening to my blues stuff and some classic rock thrown in for good measure. But I was kinda jaded (musically) last week and decided to go look for some new stuff that might tickle my musical fancy. Lo and behold I came across Jamendo. A website where 'artists allow anyone to download and share their music. It's free, legal and unlimited..' Now, I'm the type of guy who's a bit reluctant to try out new music whether its artists or simply a different genre. I guess I was feeling mighty adventurous that day when I came across this Canadian band called Staggered Crossing. They had their album called 'Burgundy and Blue' available as a free download on Jamendo. Of course, I had a chance to listen to it before I downloaded it. (*CC licensed of course)

I was instantly hooked. Nice riffs, not too heavy pop-rock stuff that I forgot I liked once upon a time. Pleasantly surprised, I looked them up and to my horror, they had stopped playing as a band. Or in the words of the band themselves, 'going on hiatus indefinitely' Man I was crushed. Here was a band that wrote honest lyrics, had nice singing and supercool playing..and they've disbanded? The band state that 'As our lives have changed and evolved individually we have found it increasingly difficult to devote the time and energy to the band that it deserves' Honest again. You can't find this kinda honesty in today's world of sampled-fecal-matter-passing-off-as-music. That really made me want more from the band. But, they're gone. So go check them out if you can on the net.

The band line up:

Julian Taylor, vocals and guitar
Dan Black, bass guitar
David Marshall, guitar
Jeremy Elliott, drums

The requisite Wikipedia Article is: Here (Some citation needed :P)

and here's a video.

Staggered Crossing - Felony -

Good Luck boys..wherever you are

* CC= Creative Commons.