Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
"Can you please grind that for a French Press?"
So I also got myself a nice insulated Thermos mug (Thanks to my Jusco points!) and we began our exploration into the world of Coffee. Unlike Eyeris, I like my coffee quite naked. Bit O' sugar and I'm good. Same goes for the other 2 in the office. We were aiming to try as many types of blends as possible. After a couple of months, we had gone thru all of these:
Well, Coffee Bean's Kenya AA.
Thats what. Hailed as one of the best in the World, we heartily agreed to its bold strong-ish flavour and aroma. It advertised "wine-like acidity" but our palates failed to pick up that. All in all it made really good drinking coffee and remains our joint favorite with Coffee Bean's Mocha Java. Mocha not as in Coffee with chocolate but a combination of Ethiopian Yirgacheffe (try saying that fast while yer drunk!) Beans and Java Estate Coffee. Its flavour is so ..bright and the smell just makes everyone in the office to just stop whatever their doing and look up. Saw a few dreamy eyes during those brewing sessions as well.
We also discovered that we really didn't like European and South American Coffees. We didn't like Dark roasts cos most of the coffee (oil, essence and all) had been charred off the bean. Now, if only I could find that Balinese Coffee that I had in a small coffee factory in Denpasar.
Speaking of which, I was speaking to a guy from Nestle Indonesia the other day and he claims that Starbucks actually sent their team to villages in Indonesia to find that perfect Sumatran/Javan Coffee. That still won't change our minds about buying from Starbucks cos their beans are expensive and I seem to have found the right Coffee Bean in KL Plaza that actually KNOW how to grind the beans for my French Press. All in all we're having a blast...If you have the inclination, pick up this (some say) art form and feed that inner caffeine addict!
Monday, March 19, 2007
The Great Desktop Challenge - Latest
Mikey's Tag
Little Miss May
Doctor? Chen
Little Miss May's Tag
Dr Chen's Tag
Pink Cotton
Bernard Chan
Ok ok... I'm stopping here cos its spread like WILDFIRE on the blogsphere!... Interesting that the original instructions have changed along the way....here's the original:
"minimize everything (as in all windows) until you only see your desktop. Now look at yer keyboard and look for the key that says "Print Screen" (Prnt Scrn on some keyboards). Press that once. Open your fav graphics editor (if you can't afford Photoshop CS like me, then go get yourself some GIMP and proceed to paste and create a new jpeg)Post that up on your blog and drop me a line. Lets see the amazing plethora of desktops that you fellers have."
Here's the 'modified' version:
"Instruction :Minimize everything (as in all windows) until you only see your desktop. Now look at your keyboard and search for the “Print Screen” (or Prt Scr) button. Press that once. U can press twice too if your finger is itchy. Tarak masalah. Open your fav graphic editor. Paste and save tu gambar. Post that up on your blog & share your leng picture with the whole world. Dun forget to drop me a line after u hit the publish button."
Hmm...Internet version of the infamous "broken telephone"
Thanks everyone for taking part!
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Stalk Me.
The site has one large box with a question that never changes, "What are you doing now?" the answer of course will change during the course of the day. Whats the point of all this I hear you ask? Just something to while away the day while you go through the InnerWeb. For some people, thats rather um.. exciting. Sign up at the site and you could add your buddies who are already signed up to Twitter and they can ALL stalk you...
Once you sign up, add me.. :p