End of Transmission.
Being so horribly busy these past few weeks and having to work on weekends. I had to resort to using wi-fi in Starbucks (yes..memang dah sah aku jadik anjing!) But i just feel so damn pissed off with what happens when i get there. Part of what I feel is expressed by a blog entry i read a few minutes ago. The blog is called :jkOn the Run by James Kendrick and Kevin Tofel. Here's that entry:
Open request to Starbucks customers
If you do not have a laptop or other gadget to plug into the only electrical outlet then please don't sit at the table next to it. Thanks.
UPDATE: Please don't bring your kids in and let them run around yelling and screaming and then sit at the table next to someone who is working on a laptop. Thanks.
UPDATE #2: Please don't let your kids throw cookies at someone working on a laptop at the next table. Thanks.
UPDATE #3. Please don't ignore your children while talking loudly on your phone while sitting next to someone working at a laptop. Thanks.
UPDATE #4. Please don't bring your yelling and screaming kids into Starbucks with the intention of meeting another friend and her screaming kids and having them also sit at a table next to someone working at a laptop. Thanks.
UPDATE #5. I am so sorry. I have never been this clumsy before. I don't know how that steaming hot cappuccino was knocked over. Yes I know that must really burn and I am sure the kids will stop screaming when it does. I really am sorry that you're leaving. Thanks.
FINAL UPDATE: This was just a joke. No children were harmed in the making of this :p
The link to the article goes here: http://jkontherun.blogs.com/jkontherun/2005/02/open_request_to.html
Dammit.... when i have time to do so, I'll go on and finish part 2. Back to the Oars.. *sigh*
yup.. Paul OS ver 1.0 is currently overloaded with too many tasks, please install additional time software to facilitate initialization of I-Can_Now-Blog_freely.exe.....
System will restart as soon as tasks are completed......
Congratulations Paul David, you are 52% not Malaysian.
That means you're as Malaysian as...
Guy Sebastian !
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Oh... Blogger just finished loading... lemme switch over there..
Still to come this week,
The last show of the Sunrise Jazz Festival 2006 and The Amazing Voltage Stabilizer!
Stay Tuned...
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All that sleep Deprivation is makes me feel like THIS:
You make me dizzy running circles in my head
One of these days I'll chase you down
Well look who's going crazy now
We're face to face my friend,
Better get out
You know you make me break out
I don't want to look like that
You can see this on my face
It's all for you
The more and more I take
I break right through
Therapy still scares me
Putting me on my back again.
I may be crazy, little frayed around the ends
One of these days I'll phase you out
Burn it in the blast off watching me crawl away
Try to get out
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yeah..i know its old news...but here's the VIDEO announcement...check it out! From a G4 Vodcast
Hope this linking thing works....
Tags: Transformers, Optimus Prime, Peter Cullen, G4,
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yeah! bought myself a camera to replace the one that got stolen. A Canon Powershot A420. Looks like this:
4 Mega Pixels, Super Macro mode (up to 1 cm), Colour Swap... oh My! havent had the chance to play around with it yet ..... soon i'll be Camwhoring too! Myspace....Profile Tracker...it realy works!!...
Tags: Transformers, Canon
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Good Lord, save us from this disease! Looks like many Malaysian Bloggers are proud of doing this! I call this "MySpace Envy". So proud to be called a whore issit? Come see me and i'll pimp you off to some sex-starved illegal immigrant so they can re-create Bangbus right here in our shores!
*Shudder* I even heard of a guy (mike, crash & nash will know who i'm talking about here) who filled up his friendster profile with pictures of himself ...shirtless..dei...your face is like anjing kurap!(Dog with sores) what more your cicak kubing (gecko) body!
So carry on lah, pose in 1000 ways, pose everytime you go to KLCC, 1U, Mamak and the most pathetic of all.... take 1 million pictures of yourself by pointing the frickin' cam at the damn mirror! Sad.Sad Sad! its so....MySpace ewww...
Having a blog with pictures is cool but DONT OVERDOIT! ...same goes for you feckin Friendster pictures. 5 pictures that look the same? or EVERY picture with the same shit-eatin grin & pose? urgh.,...
Ok. I'll stop.
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Hmmm... I'm big fan of the Wayan Brothers in their In Living Color shows (which propelled Jim Carey into stardom and featured Jennifer Lopez [who we didn't know at the time and her a** was the size of Alaska!]) and their hilarious Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood (1996), I heard a little blurb about the movie from Patrick and Gang from the Nobody Likes Onions podcast. I had to check out the news myself... its confirmed. The latest effort from the Wayans is the #5 worst movie ever made. lookit this!
IMDB Bottom 100And its currently playing in Malaysia! It sucks! Go watch it! waste your money today!
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Have to clear ALL these words from my head now!
Texas. Once in a lifetime. Blog. yellow. light. nausea. pain.shoulder. Capitalisation. Pull. strain. Analgesics. ear wax. Stocks. Money. Naturally Aspirated. Chocolate. sore. Turbo. dehydrated. cold. Wet. disassociate. Owner. dog. coffee. stretch. truant. sing. Sun. sacrifice. Black. low connectivity. Ribena. Ciggarettes. British. Grey skies. Keyboard. Pretzels. hate. boredom. tea. custard. mushroom. tape. tired. drugs. sins of the past. Hokkien. Hair. white dress. lobe. green. Felt. Uno. plastic. crack. fade. burn. discorporate. jelly. manatee. Gillian Anderson. Sow. Effort. entertainment.interface device. House. sprinkler.
Ok. feel a little bit better now.Was browsing around, i wus specifically looking for a Japanese car import site.. (Yes I'm still hoping to own a S15 Silvia before I turn 40!). Found one at the back of a UK Jap tuning mag. The Site: www.yam3.com . when go to the site tho, this is what i got:
Yeah, sorry for the convenience indeed. Which then reminded me of another site, one that specifically on bad grammar & spelling on English in Japan. Some of you might know this site: www.engrish.com. Here's a few "gems" i nicked from the site:
Oh my, this sign gives a whole new meaning to "sex at work". One more
Now men can ovulate too! Last one. And its from Glico who makes the very delish chocolate Rocky ( or Pockey as its called outside Malaysia.. more on that in another post) Pity their English could be better!
Ouchie...Go to the website...have you been "engrished" today?
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and tomorrow, and i have waited for 2 years for this... I FINALLY get my Powerlinx Armada Jetfire!!! my Armada Optimus, Overload and Jetfre will look like this!
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Huh.. suffering the after effects of 2 consecutive late nights and tons of house work. Tired as he-double-hockey-sticks. Time to hit the Dom tonight. And its only Monday...arrrrrrggggh! Flock is behaving strangely today, dosen't want to let me blog straight... hope this post makes it. Or maybe its just friggin' Streamyx. Sometimes navigatin using Streamyx is like swimming through a tub of Molasses...
Somebody save me!!!!
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Oh yeah, made it for this one. Enjoyed myself tremendously as some old faces cropped up. Thanks guys for lots of fun, especially Clearance :p here's some pics for those who missed it. By the way, not ALL the ancients made it., Missed were Shahsi, Tina, Unforgiven69 and Eyeris.
Caption: I am Catwoman! Meowrrrrr..... Peace! Jgn Marah Pak Takato!
Caption: Side frontal of Clearance & Hady lights up one more.
Caption: Dammit Crash! have to catch me when I'm drinking lar?
The rest of the pictures then, Enjoy!
TransMY Major Official Yumchar
Have a good weekend all. Tomorrow I go to watch "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest". And prepare for a horribly tough week ahead. Ta!
Yep, ever since saturday, i think i sprained my neck..call it the extreme version of "salah tidur" Took some Norgesic yesterday. 60-70% of the pain went away but later in the night, i couldn't even turn to sleep properly. Ended up getting up to turn to the other side of the bed..
Dammit i hate this! Gingerly drove to the office. Wonder how much more this'll get... I think I need to see a doc soon.... :(
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The Star's Headline reads : We are fainted fated for each other. Wonder how many people wasted money on sms' telling each other about this??
'Nuff Said....
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15th July - Saturday Morning. I'm writing this on kewlpad (click for more on that) to be published on Monday when I get back to the office cos i got no Internet in the house. Don't really think I need to install it at home anyway cos I'm never home long enough to use it! So in the morning, i wus busy making cucur udang (prawn fritters) for breakfast while wifey told me she was going outside to hang out the clothes. While i was busy mixing up the batter I suddenly heard some music from the front of the house. "Oh.. wifey must have turned on some cd for us to listen to". What took me by surprise was the music itself.. I thought I was dreaming when I heard the wailing Guitars of Joe Strummer and Mick Jones as they launched full force into the opening bars of "Complete Control". The Clash were in the house! Yes, wifey explained later that this was the only CD she could find. It was my precious copy of The Clash: From Here to Eternity - Live.
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Went with the boss to do a presentation at this place:
More specifically in the tower on the right. Big Oil and gas joint. After the presentation, he (the oil and gas dude) took us for the tour to the skybridge. Not the touristy one..THE OTHER ONE ..... cool. Then we went to the 75th Floor and the view from there was incre-bi-dle!!! So how high have YOU gone up in the Twin Towers??
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suprise suprise ....i don't really hate him but better him than that pussy Cyclops!
You Are Wolverine |
Now you go take the test and tell me who you drew...
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Blogged with Flock
Blogged with Flock
Forget Terry Funk, Forget Cocktoos Jack, Forget Rob Van Dam, Forget all yer Wrestling Hall of Fame Icons, Forget Your Olympic Champion Kurt Angle, here's the face of the new champion...
He's French! In America, he would have moved to the WWE as his next career choice.... Nuff Said...
*Picture stolen from the Hong Kong Standard*
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*sigh* and to think I used to like their music when i was in secondary school
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So, Klose is the Golden Boot Winner, Podolski's got the Young Player of the Year, Khan Retiring from International Football, EVERYONE including his fiercest critcs want Klinsi to stay... so then, Its time ta look at EURO 2008!
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Thats whats blasting out of my car stereo these days. Teriyaki Boys. Found them off the Fast & Furious: Tokyo Drift OST. Them boys be hot! With ADROCK from the Beastie Boys and Pharrell in the album "Beef or Chicken" (pic below)
Check out the list of the people involved in this album :Daft Punk, Adrock, DJ Premier, DJ Shadow and Cornelius.
I'm in B-Boy heaven!
later during lunch I went to McDonalds. I asked myself the same question, Beef or Chicken? Tell me what you want!
Tell me what you want!!!??
oh man i need a vacation
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KUALA LUMPUR: Look at it as the new generation of credit cards in Malaysia's endeavour to become a cashless society.
compare and contrast this with :
Are you ready for the most original credit card?
Wouldn't it be nice to show your personality whenever you shop? KBC is the first Belgian bank offering you that possibility to be creative! The process is a very user-friendly one. Just up-load your favourite photo, maybe your family, your pet, a recent vacation, even yourself. Position it and a few days later you can collect your personalized card at your local KBC agency. This is another nice example of mass-customization and personalization of products/services.
Feel free to have a look at www.mijnkbckaart.be.
Customised credit cards. Only in Belgium
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TAPAH: If you are travelling along the North-South Expressway and need access to the Internet, look no further than the rest and recreation (R&Rs) areas at the Sungai Buloh overhead bridge restaurant, Tapah, Sungai Perak and Gunung Semanggol.
Wow! This is from today's NST. Its Free! Free! on 24 hours... Guess R&R Spots are gonna get crowded like Starbucks... and the bandwith... eeewwww....
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OMG! WST Dinobots ! them be sooooo cool! I alrady have the earlier line with OP, Jazz, Screamer, Soundwave and Megatron... this will be an excellent addition to that collection...
there's a few more pics... go to this linky : http://www.justitoys.hk/prototype_grimlock_sllag.htm#
Prototypes... hope this comes into fruition
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Yeah! found this fascinating blog-friendly browser. Coming from the same folks that brought you Firefox, apparently this one allows you to blog straight from the page that caught yer fancy.... Flock... i like it! this post is right now being typd in straight from Flock's built in blog-tool.... nifty for me then!
Now, must go see how it turned up....
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Email me! : phaseignition (at) gmail